
#Haters schools Year 10 +

#Haters is the short film first developed through interviews and workshops with Hackney residents in response to a real incident involving a young resident from Caribbean background and a business owner from White British background.

Since 2015 #Haters tours secondary schools, colleges, and youth centres as part of our Creative Debate programmes to spark conversations amongst young people in Year 10 and above about issues of knife crime, cultural identity, media representation, the influence of social media into our daily life and to prompt strategic thinking about their active role as citizens.

Read about #Haters Tour

The programme includes a 20 minute film adaptation of #Haters followed by debate and drama-based activities  designed to  encourage active citizenship and develop critical skills.

Thanks to participatory Creative Debate techniques developed from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed methodologies and functional pedagogy,  young people feel confident to express their point of view during the facilitated debate and willingly engage in drama-based exercises to try out alternative realistic scenario and change the outcome of the original story for the better.


Covid-19 best practice

Odd Eyes Theatre is pleased to continue to offer its fully subsidized school programme of creative engagement despite the many new challenges Covid-19 presents, we are delighted to be able to deliver the programme online or in person, following government’s regulations and school’s requirements.

For further information contact [email protected]


Really positive feedback from students and staff. Everyone said that the session was interactive and engaging and one of the best they had on our annual SRE Day. (SONIA GREEN, DIRECTOR OF SIXTH FORM, THE PETCHEY ACADEMY)

Totally relatable. You can get judged easily just by the way you look. (ZION, 15)

Tyrese portrayed some of the people who live in my area. They put pride before everything else. (LAYLA, 15)

#Haters was quite an eye-opener and I really gained from the discussion with the young people and organisations that do so much to support our teenagers and keep them safe. (CLLR SARAH MCDERMOTT, LEAD MEMBER FOR CHILDREN’S SERVICES, WANDSWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL)

The session was important because it sends a good message to young people about what to do and what not to do and i feel like it really taught us something. (YEAR 11 STUDENT FROM WOODSIDE HIGH ACADEMY)

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