
Creative Debate youth project: Community Action in Action

This film was created by young people (16-21) as part of Odd Eyes Theatre’s Creative Debate Youth and Community film project , in partnership with ELATT and Highway House. The project was embedded in the ASDAN personal development course Community Action.

Information and bookings for Odd Eyes’ Creative Debate, School and Community projects and film projects


Created by (in alphabetical order)

Ayadh Alif
Tricia Anthony
Noor Assaf
Cristiana Biague
Ty Brooks O’Reilly
Ryan B
Summai Lerner-Edgell
Miles Edwards
Nanak Singh
Mohammed Syful Hoque
Abdul Karim Umar

Camera operator assistants
Ty Brooks O’Reilly
Tricia Anthony
Summai Lerner-Edgell

Sound operator assistant
Miles Edwards

Still photography
Tricia Anthony
Miles Edwards
Imtiaz Shafique


Project director and film editor: Emilia Teglia

Thanks to teacher Imtiaz Shafique, TA Pascale Messiaen and Catarina Lopes and all staff and volunteers at ELATT and at Highway House for their constant support on this project.

+44 (0) 07898 493686